World3, the video

Still more on World3 and The Limits to Growth. Two weeks ago I gave a talk at Harvard on all this, and the video is now online. (Link repaired 2019-05-14.)

The slides are here. (Link repaired 2019-05-14.)

And, by the way, the slides were done with deck.js, a JavaScript-and-HTML framework I had never tried. Both preparing the slides and presenting them went very smoothly. Running the talk from within a browser has obvious advantages when you’re talking about Internet things; you don’t have to break out of Powerpoint or Keynote to go to a web page. Using Mathjax for TeX stuff is effortless. So is posting your slides on the web. On the other hand, navigation may not be obvious at a glance. Use the arrow keys. The M and G keys also do helpful things.

Posted in computing, social science | 5 Comments