The Wordler

Enter a start word and a target word to see how the Wordler solves the puzzle.

Word lists

Candidates only: Each guess must be conform to all feedback received so far. (Similar to “hard mode.”)

Common words: Guesses are chosen from the list of 2,315 common words.

Common + arcane: Guesses come from an expanded list of 12,972 words. (Please be patient!)


All the algorithms begin by evaluating each available guess with respect to all viable target words, counting how many pairings fall into each of 243 categories.

Maximize entropy: Choose the guess word whose distribution of scores has the highest entropy and therefore provides the most information about the target word.

Minimize std dev: Choose the guess word whose distribution of categories has the smallest standard deviation.

Maximize scatter: Choose the guess word whose distribution has the largest number of non-empty categories.

Word lists:
